What is Cranial Osteopathy? So how does cranial osteopathy work, what are you doing? What happens to me whilst I’m being treated by a cranial osteopath? Will I feel tired after treatment? How long will it take to get me better? Will I have to take my clothes off? Will treatment hurt me? Do I need to be referred by my Doctor to get an appointment? How quickly can I get an appointment? My back feels vulnerable but I can live with it, am I risking opening a can of worms by seeking treatment with you,or should I leave well alone? How can I pay? What Are Your Fees Can I claim for my treatments using my Private Medial insurance? Will I be able to drive after my appointment Are you open at weekends? What is the difference between Osteopathy & Physiotherapy? What is the difference between Osteopathy & Chiropractic? Will I need to do exercises as part of my treatment plan? Can cranial osteopathy help my child, sleep, behave better at school, he feels so angry, always on the go, emotionally unstable. Make your appointment today- Call / Text 07894 707745 or book online Book online