Benjamin Court – registered Osteopath Bsc (Hons) Osteopathic Medicine
Benjamin Court thrives on osteopathy and seeing his patients get better. He is a family man with his son Harry and daughter Florence being the most important things in his life.
Benjamin qualified as an osteopath after working in the financial services sector for a number of years – “I realised very early that the corporate world was not for me, and that I wanted to do more with my life, by helping people get on with theirs. Having been treated by osteopaths as a child, osteopathy seemed like the obvious career for me and I’ve not looked back since – I love my work!”
Benjamin enjoys general practice and is highly skilled in Cranial Osteopathy, treating patients from day old babies through to the elderly, and for a wide range of different aches, pains and ills.
Benjamin is highly proficient, caring and kind.

Personal profile
Why do I enjoy my work so much?
"who wouldn’t I ask, I have the luxury of loving my work and looking forward to coming in to the practice everyday. The sense of satisfaction I get from seeing a patient return to full health, when before hand they were left frightened and weakened by their illness/pain is worth coming into work for trust me!"
What am I busy doing when I’m not at work?
"I have a lovely young family so that pretty much takes up all my time, they grow fast and so time with them is so precious. Without the family I love walking my dog and visiting friends (especially over supper)."
What stresses do you feel at work?
"The biggest stress I feel at work is trying to balance the demands of patients wanting a “quick fix” with the obligation to uphold their health as sometimes the quick fix is not the best fix for all. I also take each stress point as a lesson for me to learn from, if I feel high emotions about any subject then I try to analyse why, often its not stress that is put upon me by external factors, it’s stress of my own making, so practising mindfulness techniques to overcome these times is very useful."
What do you think about mainstream medicine?
"Gosh thats a massive and difficult question to answer. I guess in short if I felt that mainstream medicine was the way forward I would have spent my time training to be a Doctor. On the whole though, I think emergency medicine and surgery is excellent, together with the ancillary nursing care that goes alongside. Treatment of chronic pain syndromes does in my opinion have some gaps missing. Mass medication and the expectation that there is a “pill for every ill” is a real worry to me and our osteopathic profession as a whole.”
Lifes ambitions?
"This sounds so cliche but I genuinely make every day the best day I can, I work hard, diligently with care and acceptance of the world I see in the present moment and believe that the future I’ll get to one day, I’ll be as happy as the day I’m appreciating now."
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